The above is from Jordan’s article. There is a question (pink), a explored relationship (orange), a extension of the idea (green), and understanding (yellow). The understanding is for the reiterating of the idea that the difference in English dialects allows for efficiency in speaking based on speed. The explored relationship compared the article to James Gee’s main points. The question is about the context of the standard English rewritten section. The extension of the idea was about the impact of diverse representation in media.

The above is from the Jordan article. It expresses exploring relationships (orange), asking a question (pink), and extending the situation (green). Exploring relationships was sparked by the similar reaction that was previously discussed in Angela Davis’ literacy narrative. The question was about whether lower-case discourse could affect upper-case Discourse. The extension of the situation came from the fact that the other article with James Gee suggested the opposite scenario.

The above is from James Gee’s article. There is understanding (yellow), exploring a relationship (orange), and a question (pink). The understanding was about the definition of Discourse versus discourse. The explored relationship was about the nonverbal communication involved in Discourse. The question was about classism and its possible use in the scenario. 

The above is from James Gee’s article. There is understanding (yellow), exploring a relationship (orange), and a question (pink). The understanding is about the definition of primary Discourse. The question is about whether all discourse is environmental in nature. The relationship that is explored is about the relationship with the text and a real-world example explored by Phillip Zimbardo.

The above is from James Gee’s article. There is understanding (yellow), a challenge (blue), and an exploration of a relationship (in green for some reason). The understanding is for defining different Discourses. The challenge is about whether female academics feel conflicted. The explored relationship is between the text and the world phenomenon of Cognitive Dissonance. 

The above is from James Gee’s article. There is understanding (yellow), exploring a relationship (orange), a challenge, and a question (pink). The understanding is reiterating the author’s idea of what minorities and women should do. The question is about why the author assumes “maladapted” children are also stupid, and whether it is really social change. The explored relationship is between the text and Angela Davis again. The challenge is about the plan that the author has for minorities and women.